
  National holiday: 15th August – Assunção de Nossa Senhora.
Sunrise: 1st August – 6h.38m.
Sunset: 1st August – 20.47h.
Full moon: 3rd August.

VEGETABLE PLOTS: On permanent site seed water cress, beans, radish, winter cabbage (repolho), bush and runner beans. In seed beds seed couve-nabo (a type of turnip for eating the leaves). Transplant the tronchuda cabbage and water well. Harvest chick peas and peanuts. Continue to water/irrigate plots well, in the morning or evening.

FIELDS: Harvest maize cobs. Start to cut maize and Sudan grass to feed green to animals in barn. Cut green maize and dry in sun to feed to animals over the year. Irrigate fields.

VINEYARDS/ TREES/ PRUNING/ GRAFTING: Thin out leaves and pick off excess shoots on vines for better air circulation around the grapes to prevent mildew forming. Pick and dry any ripe fruit.

REMARKS: Make sure animals have access to plenty of water!!